Challenge:  Exchange one bad eating or drinking habit for a good one.

Hmmmm.....There is that old saying, "You are what you eat."  While away on a trip to VA, I was at a tailgate, and decided to have a bunless cheeseburger.  While I know that my carb intake should be at an ultimate low, who can really pass on good piece of bread.  However, after having that bunless burger, I have found myself on a new eating habit.  I enjoyed it so much and realized that there was more flavor in my meal.  With the buns, I didn't realize how much of the the flavor I was missing on my meat.  So for the next couple of days, whenever, I had a burger, I went bunless and still I am.

Eating healty can be a challenge for all of us, however, you have to set your mind to believe you can do it.  Tasting and exploring difference and healthy recipes to eat healthy brings more flavor to your table.  I found that changing my mindset on the foods I eat, have really helped me get a better control of my weight.

What habit are you changing?  Let us know.

Challenge:  Practice starting each day with a dedicated time for God.  Pray, worship, and/or read.

Divine order is a topic that some women do not receive clarity on.  After searching the bible for scriptures on God's Divine Order, I will honestly say it was not easy.  When researching God's order: God First, Family Second, and Ministry/Career Third, I came across a fascinating concept from the book of Genesis.  Just pay attention to how God put life together on this earth.  He created a man, Adam, and a woman Eve to help him take care of the earth.  And before he placed children and other aspects of todays life, God ordained their marriage.  After that, the bible goes on to inform us of God then creating families, and the development of ministries amonst His people.  And all that understood this divine order were pleased beyond measure.  And all that didn't understand, lived in and turmoil.  Now....if someone in my early years of understanding had broke it down to me that way, life of course would be different. 

Now, that I am practicing on a more regular basis to give God His time, focus on my family, and placing my career third, I see all else fall into place.  The devil tries to distract me to show me otherwise, but when I turn to God to put him into his place.  It's amazing, the peace that comes to life.

"Study this Book of Instruction continually.  Meditate on it day and night so you will be sure to obey everything written in it."
-Joshua 1:8 (NIV)


Prior to addressing issues you face, seek the bible for instruction.  Do not call your girlfriend, boyfriend, parent, family member, or friend.  Seek the word, and pray about it.  Quiet your mind and humble yourself, so that you can hear the Holy Spirit.  And let the Holy Spirit guide you.